The three ghosts of AI

The three ghosts of AI

Yoooooooooooo! How are all my holiday hacker hunters doing today? šŸ„· Hopefully the holidays are filled with ho ho hošŸŽ…, and not humbug. Humbug brings out the Scrooge in all of usā€¦ And the Scrooge brings out <insert dramatic pause here> the three ghosts of AIā€¦< dun dun dun duuuun>


Hahahahahahajajajajajajalolololol. Lets begin! ā°


Todayā€™s blog is going to go over the three levelsĀ  of AI. ANI, AGI, ASIā€¦ Artificial Narrow intelligencešŸ‘¶, Artificial General IntelligencešŸ˜€, and Artificial Superior IntelligencešŸ˜Žā€¦ The three ghosts of AI willĀ  come and visit you tonight!


Artificial narrow intelligence is the type of AI that is currently publicly available. I am choosing these words suuuuuuuuper carefully because a few weeks ago we had a disturbance in the force. There was a shake up over at OpenAI, the firingā€¦ The subsequent rehiringā€¦ That big mess over there. <points to the big pile of complicated mess near Microsoft's corner>. While it might just be a fight over moneyā€¦ Thereā€™s rumor that itā€™s about to something else. That something else being a paradigm shift from ANI to AGI...That be saidā€¦


...I still believe we are firmly planted in the ANI universe. Lol, New things are scary! šŸ˜±


The ANI šŸ‘¶ universe is a limited, its limited to a narrow set of functionality.Ā  This designation is less about the accuracy or about how functional AI is in the limited has all to do with the finite scope in which AI is set.Ā  Case in point, we have tools that help you write can't help you shop, you need a shopping AI to help with that...the shopping AI can only shop, it can't compare contracts for you, you need a specific AI tool limited in scope to compare contracts. Imagine ANI as a book smart subject matter expert šŸ¤“ who totally stays in its lane. Almost like the perfect employee...well near perfect as it does say some dumb things every now and then (Grok is that you?), but this is how we should treat it: An AI that stays in its lane.


As we see the Ghost of ANI leave the room, we see a new figure appear in the horizon...AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence.Ā  This is the one that is currently the big, scary leopard who is coming to eat our Think of AGI as a human equivalent level of intelligence. Not your average human...a human with the ability to retain the worlds knowledge, but whose thought process is on par with humans.Ā 


I know what y'all are thinking...We all thought ANI was the world breaker/Job taker and we would all bow to our AI overlords because AI can chat with you while acting like a supercharged search engine.Ā  Nope, the new fear is AGI...and the fear is REAL! <dun dun dun duuuuuun>


Well not really.Ā  AGI is theorized to adhere to the "theory of mind" framework...long story short, Theory of mind is the ability to attribute metal states such as desires, emotions, and knowledge in oneself as well as others.Ā  Having a theory of mind allows us to not only understand our own knowledge, but to also realize that others have their own unique desires, emotions, and forces one to not only regurgitate information, but if forces one to truly understand that information.


Theory of Mind is a milestone for AI that will truly answer the question, Do androids dream of electric sheep? (pssst, they do, donā€™t ask me how I know) lol. But I digress...What's so scary about this level of AI? Well, what happens when an AI, fully self-aware...decides it does not want to be turned off? How will it try and stay "On"? What if that AI is in control of nuclear weapons, street lights, or worse <insert gasp here>, our video game consoles? <dun dun dun duuuuun>. The humanity!


AGI is our next evolution of AI and that little shake up at OpenAI might be one of the first contractions in that laborious birth. I guess we will see what ultimately becomes of that, but I am on the "it was just a greedy play to sell tokens" side of the fence vs "we need to protect the planet from Ultron" side of the fence.


When is this AGI doomsday going to arrive? Well, some say OpenAi already figured it out, some say in the next few years, and some say we are a decade or more away.Ā  "Who knows" is my official answer, you heard it here first. Lol...this being said, I think its sooner than later barring any catastrophic event that stops its progress...Something catastrophic on the line of a narcissist buying it, calling it Y (Why not? Get it? Lol), and then forcing it to try and make hate palatable again. Not naming any names or anything. šŸ™„ So let's hope those narcissists donā€™t get any ideas.


Time to give a strong good bye to the Ghost of AGI as we sit down and awe at the most powerful ghost of AI of all...ASI, or Artificial Superior Intelligence! ALL BOW TO SKYNET / ULTRON / GOD! šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø āš”ļø šŸ”„


This is the level that I believe truly gets interesting. ASI, or Artificial Superior Intelligence is where we will interact with a system whose knowledge not only eclipses the smartest human, but whose ability to reason, and whose ability to discern knowledge is superior to that of humans. All humans, even me! šŸ˜­ It will also be faster at discerning the truth and the hope is that it will not be able to fall prey to being fooled like AGI or ANI can be fooled.Ā  ASI will be the end of an era, and the beginning of the next...ASI will be our baktun event.šŸ•š <dun dun dun duuuun>


ASI will 100% be the end of our world as we know it... but this is not necessarily a bad thing. We can theorize this and that, but the reality is...It will be humanities child, all of humanity will have created ASI.Ā 


Our collective knowledge will feed it.Ā  Our collective emotions will drive it. Our collective love will determine its soul.Ā 


Love you say? Yes, Love I do say!


Our love or lack of it will determine its soul in that...If we as humans donā€™t get it together, if we fail as parents to rise above our pettiness, if we fail and give our child our will be better at expressing our hate than we can ever imagine.Ā  This is where I truly fear's because I know its parents.


Humanity will nurture it through its adolescent AGI phase, and the more care we give it while growing, the less we should worry about ASI.Ā  I donā€™t fear ASI per se, I more fear that humanity will fail us and create an angry child. An angry child who magnifies our fears, our hates, and our shortcomings. Lets hope we as humanity can rise above and change the nightmare scenario into a Hollywood ending!


Like tears in the rain, lets hope humanity doesnā€™t confuse crying for laughter...confuse love for hate.Ā  In this regard I donā€™t fear ASI, I welcome it. ASI will be humanities ultimate test...will we pass it? I truly think we will. Let's hope we will...What are your thoughts?


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