MoveIT Breach & 3 Take-Aways

MoveIT Breach & 3 Take-Aways

Yoooooooooo! Just a quick note for my security soldiers out there who want to, "MoveIT, MoveIT"!  😹 . This blog post will be a little more techy-er than normal, so please feel free to save this for late night reading for some sleep aid! 


MOVEit, the biggest hack of the year, by the numbers | TechCrunch 


Did anyone else lose money betting that the MGM hack was going to be the biggest hack of the year? Well, we have the MoveIT people who are working hard to get their picture in the newspapers as well! 


Long story short...MoveIT in a file transfer application that was compromised by a group called CL0P (I have also seen it written CLOP/Clop).  The hackers stole tons of data from anyone using MoveIT Software. 


So, what are the 3 big 3 takeaways?


1) So Many Vectors!  Anyone who used the MoveIT for file transfers, contact your IT support immediately.  Also, stop the shadow IT and use the tools that your IT set up for you! 

2) By last August, there were 60 million people affected by this hack over well over 1,000 entities hit.  So by these numbers alone, this hack is going to retain the "biggest hack" crown for a long time... 

3) Of the few instances I have seen where this is an issue... ALL OF THEM WERE VICTIMS OF SHADOW IT.  Meaning IT was ignored and this tool was used because it was easy...or cheaper than setting up file transfers a more secure way. 


While nothing can be done now about your stolen data, you can use this as another opportunity to work WITH your IT teams and set up a system for file exchange that is safe and works for everyone! 


Contact Us to learn more about how we can help you avoid these situations!


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